Welcome to
THE CHARA Challenge
The ComoNaz CHARA Challenge #SpreadJoy #ComoNaz
You are invited to join us as we intentionally,
#SpreadJoy across our community!
We believe that every day is an opportunity to help make a difference in the lives of those around us.
One simple random act of kindness can change a life.
Below you will find a list of great ideas to start.
Keep in mind this is not an exhaustive list and you are
encouraged to create some of your own.
As you do please be sure to post your experience through a screen shot and/or brief description on your Facebook, Instagram or other Social Media outlet. Be sure to include #SpreadJoy and #ComoNaz
(You can also send us an email through the push button below)
We hope this will be a great experience for you as you participate with us in Spreading Joy this season!
Great Idea Starters...
Smile at everyone. Smiles spread joy!
Help someone with bags at the grocery store.
Leave a note in a library book.
Pick up trash (even if it’s not yours).
Wash someone’s car.
Visit an elderly neighbor.
Let someone jump ahead of you in line.
Compliment a friend.
Compliment a stranger.
Hold the door for someone.
Leave happy notes on cars at the mall.
Write a thank-you note for your mail carrier.
Give hot chocolate or hand warmers to your garbage collectors.
Bake cookies for neighbors and leave on their doorsteps.
Pay for a stranger’s coffee at the drive-thru.
Donate toys.
Write chalk messages on the sidewalk.
Paint kindness rocks and hide them.
Donate food to a food pantry.
Bring flowers to your teacher.
Donate supplies to a homeless shelter.
Take some treats to the police or fire station.
Tell someone how much you love them.
Make someone else’s bed (in your house).
Visit a nursing home.
Invite someone new to play on the playground.
Tell the principal how great your teacher is.
Fill a jar with candy for another family.
Bring a treat to the custodian.
Make dinner for your parents.
Make a get well card for local hospital patients.
Bring your neighbors’ trash cans up for them.
Do a chore without being asked.
Give a treat to the bus driver.
Buy extra school supplies for a teacher.
Teach someone to play your favorite game.
Ask someone new to play at recess.
Write a poem for a neighbor.
Make candy grams for the fire department.
Make a homemade gift for someone.
Deliver water bottles or other packaged items to a homeless shelter.
Make a card for your librarian.
Send a postcard to a friend.
Hug your mom or dad.
Send a birthday card
Spread positive gossip
Be Kind to someone that is challenging to like.
Decorate cupcakes and give them away
Give out quarters to people at a Laundromat.
Add quarters to a strangers parking meter
Write life giving cards and hand them to random people that may need some positive life giving words spoken over them
Tell someone to have a great day
Do a Random Act of Kindness
Buy the drink for the person behind you in line
Send a thank-you note
Call a friend you haven't talked to in a while
Send flowers to someone.
Leave a nice note for your wait staff letting them know you appreciate them
Hang your kid's artwork on the fridge
Offer praise for a job well done
Double your normal tip amount
Shovel your neighbor's driveway
Leave a treat for the postal service/UPS workers
Bring homemade cookies/treats to your office
Ask your parents out on a date
Leave a kind note for a co-worker
Send comics to a friend who needs a laugh
Post on someone's Facebook wall a photo or memory of you together
Send an email about great customer service
Wave to your neighbors
Send a thank-you note to a teacher
Leave a note in your kid's lunchbox
Listen, pause & Really listen
Put down your phone and give people 100% of your attention
Help each other
Let people know you are thinking of them
Fold laundry without being asked
Do the dishes without being asked
Stickers, stickers are always a good thing
Send a coupon for a future date or help
Have your kids make a card for their grandparents for no reason other than to say hi
Give the gift of your time
Send your special someone a text telling them you love them and can't wait to see them.
Leave a sticky note with a great saying or smiley face for a stranger to see
Donate to charity
Bring a welcome basket to a new neighbor
Thank a law enforcement officer and/or fireman for their service
Make a care package for someone not feeling well
Email your child's teacher letting them know you appreciate them
Babysit for friends one night so that they can go on a date
Pass on a book that you’ve enjoyed
Serve a meal at a homeless shelter or women’s shelter
Make dinner for your neighbors just because
Mentor someone
Pick flowers and give them away
Run errands for a someone
Smile and talk to your cashier
Invite a friend over for dinner
Donate to a shelter or charity you love
Tell someone they are AMAZING!!!
Buy a gift card at a restaurant and give it to a family who is just coming into the restaurant.
Leave silly voicemails
Dance and sing in your car
Help someone carry something
Lay in the grass and look for shapes in the clouds with your kids
Go on a mystery date with your special someone.
Hide a note filled with kind words
Give a stranger a $5 Starbucks gift card
Make a recipe book of family recipes and email it to family members
Send 5 people a tweet/Facebook message/text letting them know your thinking of them right now
Compliment a parent on how well behaved their kids are
Say something nice when others are gossiping
Donate your old eyeglasses to the Lion Club
Let someone have the close parking space
Share when you hear someone being complimented
Bring your special someone breakfast in bed
Have coffee ready for your spouse
Hold the elevator
Say thank you to everyone you can
Send dessert to another table
If you are a good photographer offer to take family photos for friends
Make 2 lunches and give one away
Thank the customer service reps on the phone for helping you
Call your Mom!
Have a pillow fight with strangers (make sure they’re new pillows)
Offer to carry someone’s groceries out
Pay for the meal of a veteran or public service worker
Be creative by asking the Lord to help you with ideas or ways to #spreadjoy / #ComoNaz